2017年8月26日 星期六

8/26 week 3 class and homework

what we did at class
1. Quiz for new vocabularies and Lesson 3 text read
2. The music chair game for kids' Chinese conversation
    I asked if somebody did not brush their teeth this morning, change their seats.
    All kids change their seats. :)
3. Goldfish to let them count to 13
4. The song, 水中游
5. A riddle, watermelon in Chinese
6. Introduction to Lesson 4
    The guessing game of animals
7. The vocabulary of front, back for lesson4

Homework book, page 49-52

1. Next week, Labor Day, no class
2. Please prepare water bottles for your kids at the class.
    During the break, I will remind them for the rest room time.
    I will not allow kids go outside during class time for their safety.

1. 今天考寫單字及念第三課課文
2. 大風吹遊戲,訓練小孩中文會話能力。
3. 水中游歌曲,文字猜謎,西瓜。

2017年8月19日 星期六

8/19 week2 Lesson and homework

1. What we did at class
   - Chinese conversation to let students answer and say it
   - Game of vocabularies

Pay attention to the term milk and juice, kids mix these two terms.
We have those terms on Quizlet already

2. New vocabularies writing
All kids do very well on writing vocabularies

3. Page 32-35 Story time, kids read them twice already

4. extra teaching: idiom, explain to them what it means

New vocabulaies Quiz next week:

1. Record the reading of page 32-35 and send me the file through e-maill
2. Homework book, page42, 43, 44, 48

reading part, pay attention to the tone especially the words with third tone. Some kids prounce second or fourth.

They got a great school day today.
I am very proud of each kid and I can see they try their best.
Thanks for all your support and help kids practice at home.

2017年8月12日 星期六

8/12 Week1 Lesson and homework

What we taught at the class
1 Go over the school rule
2 teach kids how to use Quizlet and google classroom
3 break ice game: crackers of animals, pig, rooster, cow, rabbit, car, carrot, house
   Count them and name each of them in Chinese
4 review Lesson 1, 2, text and story
5 lesson 3 introduction text p26-27
6 teach vocabularies, 爸,可,以,怕,午,很
7 make sentence p28-29, explain 怪獸 as a monster
8 confirm to learn the song 水中游 in the near future

1. Quizlet lesson 3 vocabualries flashcard  read then finish the game of "learn
    It will be the score of homework, you can try as many times as you can.
    I will get the highest score
2. Finish your homework book Lesson 3 first week P37-P39
  Pay attention to the word, 很,以

Lesson 3 story time,we will have more works to do next week
Nextweek's Homework will be from P40-P48

1 介紹校規
2 介紹部落格,如何用quizlet做第三課的字彙遊戲,google classroom可以指定功課
3 開場遊戲:農場動物餅乾 豬,雞,牛,兔子,車,胡蘿蔔,房子並且數數到十二
4 複習第一第二課 念課文以及故事
5 第三課課文 解釋包子詞彙 念課文以及解釋課文意思
6 新單字教寫
爸 可 以 怕 午 很
7. 句子練習 小孩造句
8 放了兩首歌 快樂天堂以及水中游,確認學期學的歌曲為水中游

1. 作業本37-39頁上課都有練習到,請確實完成
2. quizlet的部分,請練習flashcard確認發音以及認字,



2017年8月4日 星期五

NCS 2017 Fall Calendar 秋季班行事曆

08/12 first day of school 開學日 9:15分註冊 9:30分上課 11:30分開學典禮
08/19 regular class; 上課,文化課11:30分開始
08/26 regular class; 上課
09/02 Labor Day, no class; 勞動節 停課
09/09 regular class; 上課
09/16 regular class; 上課
09/23 regular class; 上課
09/30 regular class, Confucius Birthday; 上課 孔夫子生日
10/07 regular class, Moon Festival; 上課 中秋節活動
10/14 Fall break, no class; 秋假,停課
10/21 regular class; 上課
10/28 regular class; 上課
11/04 regular class; 上課
11/11 regular class; 上課
11/18 regular class; 上課
11/25 Thanksgiving, no school; 感恩節 停課
12/02 Final exam; 期末考
12/09 last day of school; 最後一天上課 學校觀摩日

備註:請本班學生加入以下quizlet的連結以便加入課程, 謝謝!
Note:please do use below link to join our class at Quizlet. Thanks!